LOOKS like a tourist
LOOKS LIKE A TOURIST is a new, site-specific, large scale choreographic work designed to be presented in public space, specifically iconic tourist destinations.
It brings together 50+ community participants donning inflatable orange suits, for an en masse, visual spectacle exploring the behaviours and impacts of tourism on our built environments. Created by award-winning artists and choreographers Daniele Constance and Ashleigh Musk, Like a Tourist aims to rewrite a narrative of disconnect from the romanticism of touristic adventures (being a tourist) to the potentially disturbing and damaging effects tourists (and humans at large) have on our natural (and social) environments. The orange suits strive to create a position of cultural and demographic anonymity, allowing the wearers to become unidentified strangers, exploring iconic destinations in a touristic and unencumbered way. It creates a liminal space for belonging and not belonging, while concurrently highlighting the inherent nature of tourism as a culture of estrangement and consumption.
While audience members watch from designated viewing locations, 50+ performing participants saturate an iconic tourist destination with scale, dynamism and influence. Drawing on the actions, physicalities and movements of ‘tourists’ as the foundation for the choreographic score; while nostalgic tourism advertisements, cash and urban development sounds shape the complimenting sound composition.
Download the Presenter Pack here
DOWNLOAD THE Production Information Here
DOWNLOAD THE Marketing Pack Here
Image credits: Jade Ellis
“ “An unmissable orange pop in the landscape, this work is more than just a spectacle, it connects audiences to their surroundings through meaningful moments of play and reflection. I truly adored Looks Like a Tourist and would love to see it tour Australia. What a great way to activate public space!””
Director - Daniele Constance
Choreographer - Ashleigh Musk
Sound Design - Anna Whitaker
Dramaturgy - Liesel Zink
Collaborating Artists - Katina Olsen, Lauren Watson